
时间:2020年08月29日 10:43 作者: 点击:




() 2019年正式发表的与重大项目相关的论文


[1] Jiang MJ, Liu J, Shen ZF. DEM simulation of grain-coating type methane hydrate bearing sediments along various stress paths. Engineering Geology,

2019, 261: 105280. SCI, EI, 第二标注)

[2] Liu J, Jiang MJ. DEM simulation of coexistence type methane hydrate bearing sediments. Environmental Geotechnics, 2019onlinedoi: 10.1680/jenge.19.00066.SCI,EI,第二标注)

[3] Jiang MJ, Zhang A, Li T. Distinct element analysis of the microstructure evolution in granular soils under cyclic loading. Granular Matter, 2019, 21(2): 39.SCI,EI,第二标注)

[4] Jia R, Lei HYZhang WJZhou HZ. In situ determination of density profiles in complex strata using the nuclear density cone penetrometer.

Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, (2):1-14.SCI,EI,第二标注)

[5] Sun X, Li YH, Liu Y, Song YC. The effects of compressibility of natural gas hydrate-bearing sediments on gas production using depressurization. Energy, 2019, 185: 837-846.SCI,EI,第二标注)

[6] Li YH, Wu P, Liu WG, Sun X, Cui Z, Song YC. A microfocus x-ray computed tomography based gas hydrate triaxial testing apparatus. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019, 90(5): 055106.SCI,EI,第二标注)

[7] Sun X, Wang L, Luo H, Song YC, Li YH. Numerical modeling for the mechanical behavior of marine gas hydrate-bearing sediments during hydrate production by depressurization. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 177: 971-982.SCI,EI,第二标注)

[8] Sun X, Luo H, Luo TT, Song YC, Li YH. Numerical study of gas production from marine hydrate formations considering soil compression and hydrate dissociation due to depressurization. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 102: 759-774.SCI,EI,第二标注)

[9] Li YH, Luo TT, Sun X, Liu WG, Li QP, Li YP, Song YC. Strength behaviors of remolded hydrate-bearing marine sediments in different drilling depths of the South China Sea. Energies, 2019, 12(2): 253.SCI,EI,第二标注)


[1] 蒋明镜. 现代土力学研究的新视野——宏微观土力. 岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(02): 6-65. (EI,第一标注)

[2] 蒋明镜,石安宁,刘俊,张伏光.结构性砂土力学特性三维离散元分析.岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(S2): 1-4. (EI,第一标注)

[3] 蒋明镜, 许泽伟, 刘俊, 吴迪, 吴晓峰, 王剑锋. 循环荷载下钙质砂单颗粒破碎试验研究. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2019, 52(S1): 27-32. (EI,第一标注)


[1] Jiang MJ, Sun RH, Du WH. A Three-Dimensional Thermal-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Bond Contact Model for Methane Hydrate Bearing Sediments. Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. Enschede, Holland. 2019. (国际会议,第一标注)

[2] Jiang MJ, Lu GW, Li T. Numerical analysis of degradation evolution of structural loess under loading and wetting by discrete element method. Sediments. Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. Enschede, Holland. 2019. (国际会议,第一标注)

() 2020年正式发表的与重大项目相关的论文


[1] Jiang MJ, Zhang A, Shen ZF. Granular soils: from DEM simulation to constitutive modeling. Acta Geotechnica, 2020, 15: 1723–1744.SCI,EI,第二标注).

[2] Zhang A, Jiang MJ, Thornton C. A coupled CFD-DEM method with moving mesh for simulating undrained triaxial tests on granular soils. Granular

Matter, 2020, 22: 13.SCI,EI,第二标注)

[3] Luo TT, Li YH, Madhusudhan BN, Sun X, Song YC. Deformation behaviors of hydrate-bearing silty sediment induced by depressurization and thermal recovery. Applied Energy, 2020, 276: 115468.SCI,EI,第二标注)

[4] Liu ZX, Song YC, Liu WG, Liu R, Lang C, Li YH. Rheology of methane hydrate slurries formed from water-in-oil emulsion with different surfactants  concentrations. Fuel, 2020, 275: 117961.SCI,EI,第二标注)

[5] Wu P, Li YH, Liu WG, Sun X, Kong XJ, Song YC. Cementation failure behavior of consolidated gas hydrate-bearing sand. Journal of Geophysical

Research-Solid Earth. 2020, 125(1).SCI,EI,第二标注)

[6] Zhang Y, Luo H, Zhou HZ, Qi H, Feng T, Jiang MY, Sun X. Effects of far-field boundary conditions on the simulation of hydrate production.

Environmental Geotechnics.2020online. doi: 10.1680/jenge.19.00063.SCI,EI,第二标注)


[1] 蒋明镜,孙若晗,李涛,杨涛,谭亚飞鸥.微生物处理砂土不排水循环三轴剪切CFD-DEM模拟[J].岩土工程学报,2020, 42(01): 20-28. (EI,第一标注)

[2] 李涛, 蒋明镜, 孙若晗. 多种应力路径下结构性土胶结破损演化规律离散元分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2020, 42(06): 1159-1166. (EI,第二标注)

[3] 雷华阳, 郝琪, 冯双喜, 张雅杰, 蒋明镜. 不同温度模式下软黏土孔隙水压力变化规律与应力应变特性研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2020: 1-11. (EI,第二标注)


[1] Jiang MJ, Sun RH, Du WH. DEM investigation on dissociation characteristics of methane hydrate bearing sediments by chemical injection method.

Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2020, 8(4): 120-125. (EI检索,国际会议,第一标注)

[2] Jiang MJ, Chen YR, Lu GW. Discrete element analysis of direct shear test on bonded sand. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2020, 8(12): 489-492. (国际会议,第一标注)

[3] Jiang MJ, Li GS, Du WH. DEM simulation of triaxial compression tests on MHBS under different back pressures. Japanese Geotechnical Society

 Special Publication, 2020, 8(4): 126-129. (国际会议,第一标注)

[4] Lei HY, Feng SX, Edgard CC. Numerical analysis on ground improvement of vacuum preloading with prefabricated radiant drain. Japanese

Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2020, 8(13): 514-519. (国际会议,第一标注)

[5] Lei HY, Liu M, Zhai SB. Evaluation of geotechnical properties of fused quartz for transparent material. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special

 Publication, 2020, 8(5): 170-175. (国际会议,第一标注)



() 2019年正式发表的与重大项目相关的论文

[1] Yubin Ren, Qing Yang, Yin Wang ,Wei Zhao. Experimental study on the undrained shear strength of deep-sea soft soil using improved T-bar

penetrometer[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019: 1-10.SCIEI,第一标注)

[2] Sun Liqiang, Qi Yumeng, Gao Xin, Guo Wei. Stability of supported geomembrane tube flood barriers of novel design[J]. Journal of Flood Risk

Management, 2019, 13.SCI,第一标注)

[3] Hongxiang Tang, Rui Song, Yan Dong, Xiaoyu Song. Measurement of Restitution and Friction Coefficients for Granular Particles and Discrete Element Simulation for the Tests of Glass Beads[J]. Materials, 2019, 12(19): 3170.SCIEI,第二标注)

[4] 唐洪祥,韦文成,林荣烽.考虑强度各向异性的黏性土应变局部化有限元分析[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2019,38(07):1485-1497.EI, 第二标注)

[5] 唐洪祥,韦文成.耦合强度各向异性与应变软化的边坡稳定有限元分析[J].岩土力学,2019,40(10):4092-4100.EI, 第二标注)

() 2020年正式发表的与重大项目相关的论文

[1] Yifei Sun, Chen Chen, Yufeng Gao. Stress-fractional model with rotational hardening for anisotropic clay[J], Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 126:

103719.SCI, EI,第一标注)

[2] Yifei Sun, Wojciech Sumelka, Yufeng Gao. Bounding surface plasticity for sand using fractional flow rule and modified critical state line[J]. Archives

of Applied Mechanics, 2020.SCIEI,第一标注).

[3] Yunrui Han, Long Yu, Qing Yang. Strain softening parameters estimation of soft clay by T-bar penetrometers[J]. Applied Ocean Research,2020, 97,


[4] Shu Shuang, Gao Yufeng, Wu Yongxin. Probabilistic bearing capacity analysis of spudcan foundation in soil with linearly increasing mean undrained

shear strength [J]. Ocean Engineering 2020, 204:106800.SCIEI,第一标注)

[5] Yin Wang, Shixing Zhang, Zhe Ma, Qing Yang. Artificial neural network model development for prediction of nonlinear flow in porous media[J].

Powder technology.2020.373:274-288.(SCI, EI,第一标注)

[6] Shu Shuang, Gao Yufeng, Wu Yongxin, Ye Zhitao, Song Shunxiang. Bearing capacity and reliability analysis of spudcan foundations embedded at

various depths based on the non-stationary random finite element method[J]. Applied Ocean Research 2020, 100:102182.SCIEI,第一标注)

[7] Liqiang Sun, Yumeng Qi, Xiaowei Feng,* Zhengqing Liu.Tensile capacity of offshore bucket foundations in clay[J], Ocean Engineering, 2020,197:

106893. (SCIEI,第一标注)

[8] Ke, L., Gao, Y., Gu, Y., & Ji, J.. Undrained bearing capacity of skids/pedrails during trenching for buried submarine pipelines[J]. Computers and

Geotechnics, 2020, 119, 103362.SCIEI第一标注)

[9] Hongxiang Tang, Wencheng Wei, Feng Liu, Guoqing Chen.Elastoplastic Cosserat continuum model considering strength anisotropy and its application to the analysis of slope stability[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020,117:103235. (SCIEI,第二标注)

[10] 孙立强,刘松,付登锋,.可折叠防沉板V-M加载模式下不排水承载力研究[J].岩土工程学报,2020,42(5):855-863.EI, 第一标注)

[11] 孙立强, 刘政卿, 齐玉萌, 封晓伟.不同排水条件下桶形基础上拔承载特性研究[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)2020,53(9):890-899.EI, 第一标注)



() 2019年正式发表的与重大项目相关的论文

[1] Zang ZP, Tang GQ, Chen YF, Cheng L, Zhang JF. Predictions of the equilibrium depth and time scale of local scour below a partially buried pipeline

under oblique currents and waves. Coastal Engineering, 2019, 150: 94-107. (SCI, EI, 第一标注)

[2] Tian Y, Cassidy MJ, Gaudin C, Peng M. Improving force resultant model for anchors in clays from large deformation finite element analysis. Marine

Georesources and Geotechnology, 2019, 37(10): 1227-1235. (第二标注)

[3] Tian Y, Cassidy MJ, Liu W. Optimising the dimensions of suction embedded anchors by investigating the opening mechanism. Ocean Engineering, 

2019, 183(1): 350-358. (第二标注)

[4] Zhang YP, Zang ZP, Qi Y, Liang DJ, Liu ZM, Li GY. Simulation of migration of sand waves under current induced by internal waves. Proceedings of

the 10th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2019) Hanoi, Vietnam, September 25-28, 2019. pp. 457-462. (EI, 第一标注)

[5] Zhang CH, Zang ZP, Zhang YP, Chen ZX. Experimental study on the dynamic response of a submarine pipeline collided by a dropped anchor.

 Proceedings of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2019, v2, pp. 1747-1753. (EI, 第一标注)

[6] Chen ZX, Sun YX, Zang ZP, Wang C. Experimental investigation on vibrations of a drilling riser in a jack-up platform under environmental and

operating loads. Proceedings of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2019, v2, pp. 1777-1783. (EI, 第一标注)

() 2020年正式发表的与重大项目相关的论文

[1] Wang Q, Zhou X, Zhou M, Tian Y. (2020). Investigation on the behavior of stiffened caisson installation in uniform clay from large deformation

modeling. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2020, 20(9): 04020149. (第二标注)



() 2019年正式发表的与重大项目相关的论文

[1] Youqiang Liao, Xiaohui Sun, Baojiang Sun, Yonghai Gao, Zhiyuan Wang. Transient gas-liquid-solid flow model with heat and mass transfer for

hydrate reservoir drilling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 141, 476-489. (SCI, EI, 第一标注)

[2] Sun Youhong, Ma Xiaolong, Guo Wei, Jia Rui, Li Bing. Numerical simulation of the short- and long-term production behavior of the first offshore gas hydrate production test in the South China Sea. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 181: 106196. (SCI, 第一标注)

[3] Huie Chen, Haotian Guo, Xiaoqing Yuan, Yaling Jiang, Chao Sun. Effect of matric suction on strength characteristics of undisturbed unsaturated silty

clay. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2019, 28 (12): 9327-9338 (SCI, 第二标注)

[4] Guangming Fu, Yudan Peng, Baojiang Sun, Chen An, Jian Su An exact GITT solution for bending analysis of clamped parallelogram plate resting on

elastic foundation, Engineering Computations, 2019,36(6), 2034-2047.SCI/EI, 第二标注)

[5] 畅元江,王健,姬景奇,李家仪,许亮斌,盛磊祥,乔畅. 基于局部等效方法的深水水下井口半解耦分析模型. 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版). 2019,

43(3);129-137.(EI , 第一标注)

[6] 付光明,彭玉丹,安晨,孙宝江.Winkler地基上各向异性薄板弯曲的精确解-广义积分变换解[J].计算力学学报,2020,37(1):92~97EI, 第二标注)

[7] 陈国明,李家仪,畅元江,王康,修梓翔,刘浩林,许亮斌,盛磊祥.深水油气水下井口系统疲劳损伤影响因素[J].石油学报,2019,40(S2):141-151.(中文核心, 第一标注)

[8] 朱敬宇,陈国明,刘康,张若昕,郑健.深水水合物钻井导管下深设计与地层安全承载研究[J].石油钻采工艺,2019,41(06):690-696.(中文核心, 第一标注)

() 2020年正式发表的与重大项目相关的论文

[1] Zhang Y , Wang L , Li H , et al. Experimental study of the permeability of fractured sandstone under complex stress paths[J]. Energy Science &

Engineering, 2020.00:1-11. (SCI, 第一标注)

[2] Zhang Y.*, Wang L., Zi G., Zhang Y.. Mechanical behavior of coupled elastoplastic damage of clastic sandstone of different burial depths[J]. Energies,2020,13(7):1640. (SCI, 第一标注)

[3] Li J, Chang Y, Xiu Z, et al. A local stress-strain approach for fatigue damage prediction of subsea wellhead system based on semi-decoupled model[J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2020, 102: 102306 (SCI, 第一标注)

[4] 孙宝江,彭玉丹,张伟国,赵艳玲,陈济颖,付光明.筛管压溃强度计算公式及适用性[J].石油学报,2020,41(03):363-371.EI, 第二标注)

[5] 付光明,彭玉丹,孙宝江,郭永宾,高永海,蓝祖平,金学义. 外压与弯矩组合载荷作用下筛管压溃强度计算[J].中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),EI,录用待刊 ,第二标注)

[6] 付光明,彭玉丹,安晨,孙宝江.Winkler地基上各向异性薄板弯曲的精确解-广义积分变换解[J].计算力学学报,2020,37(01):92-97. (中文核心,第二标注)



() 2019年正式发表的与重大项目相关的论文与著作

[1] Liu HX, Peng JS, Liang K, Xiao Z. The behavior of anchor lines embedded in layered soils. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 190: 106424. SCI, EI, 第二标注)

[2] 刘君, 韩聪聪 . 新型锚固基础---动力锚, 北京: 科学出版社, 20199, ISBN 978-7-03-062421-5 (第一标注)

[3] Tong Yuming, Han Congcong, Liu Jun. An innovative lightweight gravity installed plate anchor and its keying properties in clay. Applied Ocean

Research, 2019. DOI: (SCI, EI, 第一标注)

[4] Liu Jun, Chen Xuejian, Han Congcong, Wang Xu. Estimation of the intact undrained shear strength of clay using full-flow penetrometers. Computers

and Geotechnics, 2019, 115, . 2019.103161 (SCI, EI, 第一标注).

[5] Gong Jian, Liu Jun, Cui Liang. Shear behavior of granular mixtures of gravel-shaped coarse and spherical fine particles investigated via discrete

 element method. Powder Technology, 2019, 353 : 178-194 (SCI, EI, 第一标注).

[6] Zhao Yanbin, Kim Youngho, Hossain Muhammad Shazzad, Nazem Majidreza, Liu Jun, Hu Yuxia. Numerical Advancements on the Analysis of

Dynamically Installed Anchors. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 182, 343-359 (SCI, EI, 第一标注).

[7] Liu Jun, Bu Nanqiao, Han Congcong. Numerical analysis on dynamic installation of an innovative light-weight deep penetrating plate anchor.

Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2019, 9, doi: 10.32075/17ECSMGE-2019-0813 (第一标注).

[8] Sun Chao, Feng Xiaowei, Bransby Mark Fraser, Neubecker Steven, Randolph Mark, Gourvenec Susan. Numerical investigation of the effect of strain

 softening on the behaviour of embedded mooring chains. Applied Ocean Research, 2019, 92, 101944,  (SCI, EI, 第一标注).

[9] Sun Chao, Feng Xiaowei, Neubecker Steven, Randolph Mark, Bransby Mark Fraser, Gourvenec Susan. Numerical study of mobilized friction along

embedded catenary mooring chains. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2019, 145(10), 04019081. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002154. (SCI, EI, 第一标注).

[10] Gong Jin, Zou Degao, Kong Xianjing, et al. An extended meshless method for 3D interface simulating soil structure interaction with flexibly

distributed nodes. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 125: 105688

[11] Peng JS, Liu HX. Analytical study on comprehensive behaviors of drag anchors in the seabed. Applied Ocean Research, 2019, 90: 101855. (第二标注)

[12] Peng JS, Liu HX, Zhao YB, Liang K. Failure mode and pullout capacity of anchor piles in soils with cohesive and cohesionless properties. Maine

Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/1064119X.2019.1649332. (第二标注)

() 2020年正式发表的与重大项目相关的论文

[1] Deng Xuejing, Pan Shaowei, Zhang Jianbo, Wang Zhiyuan, Jiang Ziyi. Numerical investigation on abnormally elevated pressure in laboratory-scale

porous media caused by depressurized hydrate dissociation. Fuel, 2020, 271, 117679 (SCI, EI, 第一标注).

[2] Han Congcong, Liu Jun. A review on the entire installation process of dynam -ically installed anchors. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 202, 107173 (SCI, EI, 第一标注).

[3] Li Zhou, Liu Haixiao. An isotropic-kinematic hardening model for cyclic shakedown and ratcheting of sand. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake

Engineering, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2020.106329. (SCI, EI, 第二标注).

[4] Ji X, Kong X, Zou D, et al. Measurement of membrane penetration in triaxial specimen through digital image correlation . Acta Geotechnica, 2020: 1-

19. (SCI, EI, 第一标注)

[5] Gong J, Zou DG, Kong XJ, Liu JM, Chen K. A coupled meshless-SBFEM-FEM approach in simulating soil-structure interaction with cross-scale

model. Soil Dyn Earthquake Eng 2020; 136 SCI, EI, 第二标注)

[6] Gong J, Zou DG, Kong XJ, Qu YQ, Zhou Y. A Non-Matching Nodes Interface Model with Radial Interpolation Function for Simulating 2D Soil

Structure Interface Behaviors. Int J Comp Meth 2020SCI, EI, 第二标注)

[7] Liu Jingmao, Zou Degao, Kongxianjing, A twomechanism soilstructure interface model for threedimensional cyclic loading. International Journal

for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2020;128.SCI, EI, 第一标注,课题2